A new television drama has hit our screens, created by the mind behind Peaky Blinders, Steven Knight and directed by Paul Whittington, ‘This Town’ follows the trials and tribulations of main character Dante Williams and his three friends (Bardon, Jeannie and Fiona) as they are drawn into an explosive music scene around Birmingham and Coventry in the early 1980’s. They form a band despite a background of obstacles that include civil unrest a social uprising covering hard hitting subjects of the day such as the IRA and the troubles in and around Belfast, worker strikes, unemployment and how music can prevail during a time of seemingly unprecedented madness.
Eagle eyed viewers of This Town may have spotted a few familiar pieces of equipment through the show.
Laney was approached by the production company for period-correct musical equipment and there was only one place for us to head to… The Laney Museum!
With the drama being set in the early 80’s we were very aware that a brand new amplifier wouldn’t have been something quite so readily available to new musicians just forming a band, however they may have been able to get hold of some older equipment. We provided an all-original LA60BL and matched 4×12 cab, DP150 and matched 4×10 cab and a LC50 keyboard amplifier from 1968.
These pieces fit the aesthetic the props and art directors were looking for and they were a perfect fit when seen on screen at points throughout the six episodes.
The amplifiers that appear on the BBC show ‘This Town’ are an original Laney LA60BL and matched 4×12 cab, Laney DP150 and matched 4×10 cab and a Laney LC50 keyboard amplifier from 1968.
To get the same guitar sound, you’ll want the Laney LA30BL – an all tube guitar head with 30 watts of pure power and EL34 tubes for that vintage sound!
For the bass players, the Laney Richter RB3 will get you that sound as you have 65 watts of power to gig with, a 12 inch woofer plus horn.
For keyboard players, we recommend the Laney AH300 – a multi-input combo bass amp with 300 watts and 15-inch woofer plus horn.
This Town has been greeted with mass praise and admiration from critics and fans alike and the final episode leads to a perfect placement for a second series, and we for certain can’t wait for it!
You can watch the whole series now on BBC iPlayer here:
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